
中国通信学会科技进步奖. 中国移动“和家亲”智慧家庭“感知”网络关键技术及应用. 张轲, 赵昀, 薛广涛, 潘潇, 孙滨, 张文强, 李良, 陈奕超, 孙国道, 李志为.

上海市计算机学会技术发明奖一等奖. 数据驱动的智慧城市服务协同关键技术与应用. 薛广涛, 钱诗友, 吴晨涛, 姚斌, 陈奕超, 盛斌, 李颉.

上海市计算机学会教学成果奖一等奖. 因材施教大师引领、课赛并进交叉践行-计算机拔尖培养模式探索与实践. 吴帆, 薛广涛, 涂仕奎, 高晓沨, 郁昱, 陈奕超, 吴晨涛, 陈芸, 王蕾, 俞勇.

AetherTouch is awarded Techconnect Defense Innovation Awards.

MagPrint is ararded honorary mention in the World Artificial Intelligence Conference 2021.
基于深度学习和电磁信号的新型用户认证系统 項目獲得2021世界人工智能大会青年优秀论文提名奖。

Hauoli is awarded Techconnect Defense Innovation Awards.

Endophasia is ararded honorary mention in the IEEE ComSoc Student Competition.

MobilTrakk is awarded Start-up Leader Award in The 8th “Ecology-Value” Jinbo Award.
MobilTrakk 項目獲得“生态·价值”区域创新生态体系建设高峰论坛暨2019年第八届金博奖全球总决赛的”创业领秀奖”。

The Online Device Monitoring and Detection System based on Magnetic Signature is awarded the 2nd prize in The Fifth Youth Innovation Competition (External Group) held by State Grid Shanghai Municipal Electric Power Company.
电力设备听风者 — 基于新型智能电磁感知的设备在线监控预警系统項目獲得国家电网上海市电力公司、第五屆青年創新創意大賽(外部組) 銀獎。

Mobile Sensing and Computing is awarded the Double-First Class (country’s construction plan of world-class universities and first-class disciplines) in Graduate Course Construction held by Shanghai Jiao Tong University.