Yi-Chao Chen

Associate Professor, Shanghai Jiao Tong University
yichao [at] sjtu.edu.cn
800 Dongchuan Road, SEIEE Building 3, Rm 505, Shanghai, China
Google scholar | DBLP | Resume
I join Shanghai Jiao Tong University as a tenure-track Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering in 2018. I received my B.S. and M.S. in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering at National Taiwan University in 2004 and 2006, respectively. I got my Ph.D. in Computer Science at the University of Texas at Austin in 2015. Prior to joining SJTU, I spent a year as a Researcher in Huawei Future Network Theory Lab in Hong Kong and then worked as a Chief Scientist in Hauoli LLC.
My research interests focus on networked systems and span the areas of mobile computing, wireless networking, and cyber-security.
HandPad is accepted by UIST 2024. | |
VISAR is accepted by IMWUT 2024. | |
GPMS is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024 (winter round). | |
Two papers are accepted by ACM MobiSys 2024. | |
MuDiS is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2024 (summer round). | |
Our paper is accepted by IEEE ICC 2024. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM UbiComp/ISWC’23. | |
PMSat is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2023. | |
Our paper is accepted by IEEE TDSC 2023. | |
AudioSense and LeakThief are accepted by IEEE SECON 2023. | |
MagView++ is accepted by TMC 2023. | |
DeHiREC is accepted by IEEE S&P 2023. | |
Our paper is accepted by IPSN 2023. | |
RF-Mic is accepted by ACM IMWUT 2023. | |
Our paper is accepted by USENIX NSDI 2023. | |
Our paper is accepted by IEEE Infocom 2023. | |
SingAttack is accepted by USENIX Security 2023. | |
The extension of FAIR is published by TPDS 2022. | |
DoCam is accepted by ACM MobiCom 2022. | |
I’m going to join MSRA as a Visiting Researcher since July 1, 2022. | |
OISSR is accepted by ACM Multimedia 2022. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM MobiSys 2022. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM CSCW 2022. | |
The extension of ScreenID is published by ToN 2022. | |
The extension of VibWriter is published by TMC 2022. | |
The extension of MagAttack is published by TOSN 2022. | |
The extension of MagneComm is published by TMC 2022. | |
Three papers are accepted by IEEE Infocom 2022. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM IMWUT 2021. | |
AetherTouch is awarded 2021 Techconnect Defense Innovation Awards. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM WiSec 2021. | |
The extension of MagAttack is published by TMC 2021. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM MobiHoc 2021. | |
Two papers are accepted by IEEE SECON 2021. | |
AetherTouch Co. receives the 2nd stage investment funds from Kairos Ventures. | |
Our paper is accepted by ACM/IEEE IPSN 2021. | |
Hauoli is taking an important step - we are converted from an LLC to a C-corp and renamed as AetherTouch. |